
Do you think teenagers today have more or less stress than

Answers should be at least 200-300 words and reflect critical thought. Whenever possible, please try to relate the course content to real-world applications from your work experience. Be sure to cite all sources as well.

1. Do you think adolescents reach developmental milestones at the same rate as teens did 10 years ago? Challenges include physical, social, emotional, sexual, cognitive, career andf future planning? Why or why not?

2. Do you think teenagers today have more or less stress than teenagers 10 years ago? Why or why not? What are some means of enhancing resiliency in adolescents?

3. Discussions have cited the influence of social media, bullying, a shift in the way in which adolescents communicate, and a decline in emotional maturity. The lack of support from communities, parents, teachers, etc., has been suggested as contributing to the differences in adolescents today compared to in the past. Let's say you've been asked to facilitate a group for teenagers at a community health center. What might be some of the issues your group could address? How would you approach the group facilitation of teenagers?

4. There is a lot of fear the victims of bullying experience on a daily basis. Anecdotal information after a child has attempted or successfully committed suicide are consistent in the lack of responsiveness and resulting sense of hopelessness these children feel. Society's message is that they are expendable and adults are often at a loss for how to address both victims and perpetrators.

One program in which I was involved worked in schools for weeks at a time, training every person who came in contact with children during the day how to respond to bullying. This included the lunchroom staff, the crossing guards, everyone. The program was highly effective and the message was received clearly that the school was a no-bullying zone.

5. You mentioned social media as one reason adolescents have changed. I agree its a valid point. Especially in working with adolescents, what steps can counselors take to address behaviors that are an outgrowth of the desensitization that occurs in social media? one example that comes to mind is the proliferation and increased violence in bullying. Thoughts?

6. What are your thoughts on focused training of school personnel to intervene when bullying is seen?

7. I support your opinion that students have greater concerns, not just with school shootings but with the messages they receive to amass things rather than experiences and the messages they receive of being expendable.

The importance of parental involvement is also a consideration. How has the impact of two working parent homes in response to economic challenges, low wages, and community violence in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods, etc. influence the stability of the family and child development?

8. Ask classmates a question on Supporting teens through challenges

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Dissertation: Do you think teenagers today have more or less stress than
Reference No:- TGS02754754

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