
Do you think social media affects your personal life


Media and Society

- We've gone over the development and experience of various mass media, their history, of where we think they're headed, and how they have been used.

- For your final essay, first, I'd like you to critically reflect on your own understanding of mass media from this class, and your mass communication consumption and habits.

-Go over each session (and accompanying notes/assignments) we have studied for this class and think about how the topic fits in or has influenced your own thoughts and ideas. Make notes. You may also consider feelings about topics such as how Mass Media affect your everyday lives, and what (if anything), you now find problematic about your mass media consumption.

-Next, find a member of your family or a friend (at least ten years older). Talk with this person (in person or via Zoom) about their media consumption, understanding, and experience, relating to each of the sessions you've reflected on. You'll have to think of the questions to lead them through the conversation, and they may not have something to say on each of these.

-The point of this paper is to do a critical reflection on the comparison between your media experience and understanding, and that of someone from another generation using our course sessions as points of references.

-You may include some aspects of social media consumption here, but do not make social media use the focus of the paper.

-Do keep in mind that you need to focus on how they consumed and used mass media when they were younger (in the case of someone older), and NOT their current consumption of media.

-Also, your paper must include excerpts (quotes) from the interview to support your analysis (remember I need to know you spoke with this person, so give me some details as to who they are). Remember to compare to highlight the inter-generational differences in media usage and consumption.

This is a longer essay, and I expect no less than 1500 words.

Make sure to name and give me the age of the person you spoke with.

COURSE Topics:

-Media ownerships- Media theory-Print media- Music- Radio, propaganda, podcast- TV and reality tv- Media ecology, social media- Gaming- First Amendment- Obscenity Law- Media ethics- Photograph and photo ethics- Public relations, image of the brand- Advertainments

Questions examples:

-Do you know what is a podcast? Do you listen to them?

-How does games affect society?

-Do you think social media affects your personal life? The decisions that you will make about something.

-Do you think that What you do know on the internet will affect your life in the future?

-What is your opinion on people that edit their photos? Do you think that affects other people opinion about themselves?

-Do you think advertising messages are manipulative? Does advertising have a negative or positive effecton the culture?

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Business Law and Ethics: Do you think social media affects your personal life
Reference No:- TGS03195295

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