
Do you think persons are predisposed to commit crimes born


The reflection paper is worth 10 points. The reflection should be one page typed written, single space, size 12 font. The reflection response must include your name, date, reflection paper number and the reflection topic. Reflections are deemed late the moment I do not receive them on the due date in class. Late reflection papers will be accepted for one week following the due date but will incur a 50% penalty (whether the paper is one hour late or a week late). Except under exceptional circumstances, I will not accept papers after one week has passed. Evaluation is based on definitions (3), linking the right figures with the concepts presented (1), grammar (1), spelling (1) and the discussion of sociology links to sociological issues (4).

Please answer all the following reflection queries below:

1. Do you think persons are predisposed to commit crimes (born to commit crimes)? Give two reasons for your response.

2. What do you think are two possible explanations for the racial disparities in criminal arrests?

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Dissertation: Do you think persons are predisposed to commit crimes born
Reference No:- TGS01373586

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