Assignment task: Breastfeeding:
Q1. Do you think it's OK for women to breastfeed in public?
Q2. Are there any conditions under which they should/shouldn't be allowed?
Q3. Provide the rationale for your answer (even if it's subjective).
Q4. Do you think there should be laws to protect women's right to breastfeed in public places (e.g. parks, municipal buildings, etc.)?
Q5. Why/why not?
Q6. How do most medical doctors and associations view breastfeeding?
Q7. Do they recommend it, or is formula preferred?
Q8. List 3 advantages of breastfeeding, preferably related to the biology of the infant or mother.
Q9. Identify one disadvantage, either for the mother or for those around her.
Exam I:
Do you think your exam grade reflected the time/effort you put in preparing for the exam?
What study strategies worked for you?
What would you like to try next time?