Select a quotation from Part 1 of Life of Pi that 'speaks to you' about your own beliefs or values and worldview. Select it because you vehemently disagree with the assertion made in the quotation, or because you can relate to it.
Complete the following:
A. Reflect on the quotation briefly in writing, outlining why you chose it.
B. Regarding your personal views, as outlined in 1, tell the story of how you got to that point of awareness. Try to recognize in your own journey to enlightenment, some of the stages relative to the quest pattern. Perhaps your journey involved some changes in you that conform to the archetypal character concepts; or perhaps some people that played a part in your journey to enlightenment played roles similar to those archetypes would play. Tell your story as a one-page narrative.
C. Now that you've told your story, answer this: Do you trust that Pi Patel's story is honest, or do you think it is coloured by hindsight or skewed by the narrator?