
Do you support or oppose the state of texas lowering the

-Read "Background of the Issue: Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered from 21 to a Younger Age?"

-The title for Writing Assignment 1 is: "Writing Assignment 1: The Drinking Age".

-The critical response questions for Writing Assignment 1 are: "Do you support or oppose the State of Texas lowering the drinking age from 21? Why or why not?"

-Respond with at least 500 words explaining what you think and three reasons you feel the way you do using the four-paragraph format explained in the class writing assignment directions below.

Writing Assignment Format

-Do not use a title page.

-Set your line spacing to double spacing with no extra points of space either before or after a line.

-Insert a heading in the body (not in the header) of the first page consisting of four double-spaced lines. On line one type your first name and last name.

On line two type "Professor Michael A. Kelley." On line three type "Government 2306." On line four type the month, day, and year you prepare your writing assignment. The first line of your heading should be one inch from the top of the first page and all four lines should be flush with the left margin, one inch from the left side of the page.

-Center the title of the assignment one space (double spacing) below the fourth line of your heading.

-One space (double spacing) below the title and flush with the left margin write verbatim the critical response questions posed for your response.

-One space (double spacing) below the restated assignment questions begin your first paragraph with the first line indented one-half inch from the left margin.

-Paragraphs will have one space (double spacing) between them and will begin with the first sentence indented one-half inch from the left margin.

-Double space all writing.

-Use 12-point, Times New Roman, black font for all writing.

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Dissertation: Do you support or oppose the state of texas lowering the
Reference No:- TGS02716859

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