
Do you recommend that the landlord evict the tenants

Assignment task:

Along with their three adult children, Ted and Jen are the current tenants at 123 Main St. Both Ted and Jen signed the mandatory crime-free lease addendum when they signed their lease eight months ago. About three months ago, their twenty-two-year-old son Bill brought home a friend, John. John had no place to live, and Bill asked Ted and Jen if John could stay with them for a while. Ted and Jen agreed.

About six weeks ago, the police knocked at the residence of Ted and Jen at 2 a.m. looking for John. The police stated he had just robbed a liquor store around the corner and fled from the scene. Ted and Jen were cooperative with the officers on the scene and allowed them inside to look for John. John was found hiding in the attic of the home wearing clothing matching witness statements, and proceeds from the robbery were discovered in his possession. John was taken into custody and charged with armed robbery.

Neither Ted, Jen, or any of their three sons have ever had any official police contacts, and there have been zero calls for service at 123 Main St. since they have been tenants.

You are the Police Sergeant who oversees the Code Enforcement and Crime-Free Housing Division and reviews the above arrest report. The mandatory lease addendum is very specific in that by signing the addendum, and tenants are responsible for the criminal activity of all household members and their guests. It further explains that the addendum signing serves as a warning and that one arrest is cause for eviction. The liquor store allegedly robbed is only one block away from the residence and can be considered "near the property." Part of your job is to ensure the Crime-Free Housing program is governed fairly and unbiased.

Do you recommend that the landlord evict the tenants: Ted, Jen, and their three adult children based on the information provided? Why or why not?

Provide examples or new information that supports your recommendation.

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Reference No:- TGS03305664

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