
Do you oppose building a wall on the us border with mexico


Using the NES 2016 Dataset, run an ordered logit model, in which the dependent variable is V161196: Do you favor or oppose building a wall on the US border with Mexico? Make sure the response categories are oppose (0), neither oppose nor favor (1), and favor (2). Drop don't know (-8) and refused (-9) categories.

In your ordered logit model, use the 6 independent variables that you used in the first assignment. Use libraries such as "stargazer" to create regression table. Comment on the significance and sign of the coefficients. Do not interpret the log odds or odds ratio. Instead, run predicted probabilities for 10 different cases that you think may help explain the overall relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. Discuss these predicted probability results.

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Basic Statistics: Do you oppose building a wall on the us border with mexico
Reference No:- TGS03036727

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