
Do you measure impact by -measuring the business impact of

Executive Report for Atlantis Global Corporation

To: John Dawson, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors at AGC.

This project will give current changes to John and the board of Directors at AGC. It is to address some of the issues they currently have concerns with. We will give a summary of diagnosis of the problems at Atlantis Global Corporation, Mine and Shawn's conclusion regarding the root of the problem. In a few moments I will be going over a brief introduction of human capital management strategies that I personally recommend to create changes at AGC. I will also go over how to implement these changes. We will take a look at leadership styles and problems that exist.

Since I have been bought in as a consultant, and working Shawn Williams we have discovered several issues that have been ongoing at AGC. Both of us feel these need immediate attention or problems will get worse. AGC is looking at shutting down the company if things do not improve. While multiple problems exist let's start with the biggest Global Communication issues. Here at AGC we need to more sensitive to other cultures. We have to hire a more diverse work staff so we can achieve or goals. The first step to that process is looking at "Culture" has been variously defined as: The process of interpreting the world and the things and people in it begins with culture. "Culture" has been variously defined as:

-"The prism through which individuals view life and how they react to situations day to day."1-Dean Foster, president of DFA Intercultural Global Solutions.

-"A more or less enduring pattern of basic assumptions and mental models that a given group has invented, discovered or developed in learning to cope with its internal and external influences."2-Howard Ross, founder and chief learning officer of Cook Ross Inc.

-"Integrated patterns of human behavior that include the language, thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values, and institutions of racial, ethnic, religious, or social groups."3-U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2017 SHRM)."

Some of other issues AGC is facing are political issues and regulating conditions of the host countries and its subsidiaries. Every time we go into a host country we need to make sure that our employees are within regulating conditions and staying out of political issues as much as possible. Diversity and multiculturalism, we have to be more minded of other cultures, if we are going to achieve on a Global level. Shawn and I have been discussing the issue of employee's poor motivation and retention. We feel putting goals into place with rewards will help up moral. AGC has a high turnover rate, but we haven't gotten to the bottom of why are the employees so dissatisfied. The other issues we need to address are how the employees are performing their jobs at AGC. The reasons for poor performance are sometimes due to lack of good leadership and lack of motivation. We need to find out what the issues are and address them.

The areas Shawn and I are addressing seem to be issues within AGC that need to be dealt with. Shawn and I are working with a Change management program. Executives and managers need to take a look at what's happening around them. We need people to step up and stop whining about who did what wrong and turn this company back around. If we don't motivate our staff, Gentlemen we won't have one and will lose good people in the process. We got together with employees on a regular basis in an effort to resolve these very issues. Communication to employees can be very effective if we take time to hear what they are saying. Cross Cultural Teams, along with performance measures have been used to get this organization turned around. This company has got to improve in our Global sector in order to move forward. It is going in the right direction we have to come up with new methods of achievements to stay one step ahead.

Our diagnosis of these problems came from looking at AGC's balance sheets, financial obligations and profits and loss statements. Accounting always plays a major role in the direction an organization is heading. The Conclusions regarding main causes of our problems our language barriers.

Human Capital Management Strategies that Shawn and I have been working on are to create a better working environment. We have gotten with human resource to see where those skills can be utilized.

"Human Resource is important to the organization change. Given the impact that organizational change can have on employees in many ways, it is important for the human resources function to be among the facilitators of the change process. Organizational change is a process that occurs with more frequency because of evolving environmental factors, both internal and external. The change process has inherent challenges that are evident in the forms of employees' resistance as well as the potential of restructuring, related layoffs, and other matters. It can have a profound impact on the organization and particularly on employees. It is not uncommon for employees to feel anxious and uncertain during the change process because there can be concerns about job security, roles going forward, being prepared to handle any new responsibilities, and just generally accepting the implemented changes.

The human resources function can play a critical role in addressing employees' concerns. It can serve as a source of employee communications regarding the change process as needed and support any communication efforts from senior executives and other functional areas. Being a resource for clarification plus additional information as can be provided could be beneficial for all. Providing support for employees during the change process, including referrals to outside agencies, is important. If there are any layoffs, outplacement and other related support services would be particularly helpful for employees. In addition, the provision of critical information regarding compensation and benefits is an important service for human resources to provide as employees are laid off. Documenting all activities related to employees will be another important activity of the human resources function (MUSE2013)." My choice for this organizational needs would be John's Kotter's eight step plan.

Urgency-Create a since of need for this change. Buy in-make it believable. Never letting up is the third step this means we keep going when the going gets tough. The next phase is creating a creating the gliding coalition-keep it simple. Our fifth stage is empowering a broad based action plan-this is getting those who can implement these changes involved in the plan. The sixth stage of Kotter's plan is Incorporating Change into Culture-This means getting all on board or off the train. The seventh state of Kotter's plan is improve the vison-let them see what you see happening with the future of our organization. The eight step is Generating short term wins-achieve the small goals than move to the bigger.

I feel using human resources team to implement these factors will be a great benefit to AGC. We need to do more employee evaluations. As a global company we need to know about our global subsidiaries. Leadership styles would be another change I would make to the company. John Dawson feels him going thru an autocratic leadership style is beneficial. I am sure there are times when this leadership style is important; however I feel it is important to have a democratic style of leadership going forward."How well do you measure HR effectiveness?

Do you measure efficiency by?
-Measuring the financial efficiency of HR operations such as cost-per-hire, time-to-fill or training costs
-Collecting metrics that measure the cost of providing HR programs and processes
-Benchmarking analytics and measures against data from outside organizations

Do you measure effectiveness by?
-Using HR dashboards or scorecards
-Measuring the specific effects of HR programs such as, learning from training, motivation from rewards or the validity of tests
-Having the capability to conduct cost-benefit analyses of HR programs

Do you measure impact by?
-Measuring the business impact of HR programs and processes
-Measuring the quality of the talent decisions made by non-HR leaders
-Measuring the business impact of high vs. low performance in jobs (LAWLER and Boudreau 2012)."

Shawn and I feel these methods are important to the organization to keep it from shutting down. It is important for Atlantis Global Organization to have structure for their employees. A formalized guideline with clear rules and regulations of the organization should be in place. We have many benefits to gain from having management diversity. "Acknowledge cultural and individual differences in the workplace;
- state that the organization values the different qualities people bring to their jobs;
- emphasize theneed to eliminate bias in such areas as selection, promotion,
performance assessment, pay and learning opportunities;
- focus attention on individual differences rather than group differences (Armstrong, M. 2014)."

The effects on the employees had a better outlook on working with each other. More talent was bought into the organization with better skill sets to perform the jobs. Better profit for the company. I feel our change management plan will be very effective for AGC. The effects of the employees were very positive, and we received very good feedback. Our market performance for the organization should start to climb once we input all of the changes Shawn and I have come up. There may need to be some flexibility on leadership style, but it will be well worth the sacrifice. I feel this was overall a good direction for AGC. I look forward to moving forward with this project in the future. I would like to thank everyone for their time today.

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Strategic Management: Do you measure impact by -measuring the business impact of
Reference No:- TGS02286256

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