
Do you have symptoms of stress-nbsp which of the activities

Part 1 Stress Evaluation

The purpose of this lab is to help you understand the concept of stress and how it is related to health issues.


•Complete the stress evaluation below.

•Add up all of the points for each stressor listed.

•It is possible that you have had similar stressors but they have different names than those on this list.

•A break-up with a long-term girl- or boyfriend. You should score such events using points from a similar event (such as separation = 65 points)

•Failing or doing poorly in a class = 45 points.

•A major financial stress at school = 31 points.

•You can estimate scores for major stressors over the past year by using points for similar stressors.

•Score all the events that have occurred in the past two years.

•Note: Your stress score and comments are confidential.

•This list from Roth and Holmes (1985) contains certain life events, both positive and negative, have been identified as stressful. A score of over 300 points in the past year has been associated with a serious illness within 2 years.

Death of spouse or loved one..........................100 points
Jail term............................................................63
Death of family member....................................63
Personal injury or illness.................................. 53
Marriage........................................................... 50
Fired from job..................................................  47
Retirement....................................................... 45
Marital reconciliation........................................ 45
Failing or doing poorly in a class...................... 45
Pregnancy........................................................ 40
Death of friend.................................................37
A major financial stress at school.................... 31
Personal achievement........................................ 28
Spouse starts or stops work.............................. 26
Trouble with boss................................................ 23
Change of residence........................................... 20
Failing or doing poorly in a class...................... 45

1. What was your score? __________

2. Do you have symptoms of stress? If so, what symptoms? If not, explain how you can maintain your current state.

3. Do you feel that stress is affecting your health? Explain why or why not. professor knows my moms health is affecting my classes and causing me to stress. expand on in. don't go into details.

4. What steps do you think you can take to prevent stress in the future? If you don't believe you need to, how do you plan to maintain your current stress-free state?

5. What steps could the university take to help students overcome and/or prevent stress?

Part 2 Identifying Positive Addictions

The purpose of this lab is to help you understand the concept of positive addictions and their importance for physical activity and health.


Evaluate different positive addictions (see list of criteria in the first column of the chart below) that you can identify for yourself. Write your activity in the top of the column and then check all of the criteria that you believe your activity meets.

After completing the chart, answer the questions below.


Activity 1:


Activity 2:


Activity 3:


The activity is not competitive.




You do it for approximately one hour daily.




The activity is easy to do and doesn't take much mental effort.




You can do it alone or occasionally with others, but you don't rely on others to do it.




You believe that it has some physical, mental, or spiritual value.




You believe that if you persist, you will improve.




You can do it without criticizing yourself.




1. Which of the activities that you included benefit you most as a positive addiction? Explain how and why.

2. Why are positive addictions important for health and physical activity?

3. Discuss how you might help a friend replace a negative addiction with a positive one.

Provide thorough and detailed answers. Avoid obvious, abrupt and short responses.

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English: Do you have symptoms of stress-nbsp which of the activities
Reference No:- TGS01553568

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