
Do you have perfectionistic tendencies if so why do you

Part -1:

"Some succeed because they are destined to; most succeed because they are determined to." - Anatole France

Answer the following questions.

1. Do you have perfectionistic tendencies? If so, why do you suppose you are like this?

2. How do the concepts excellence and perfection differ for you? Please explain.

3. List three things in your life in which you strive for excellence, then briefly explain how you best accomplish this.

4. If you find your perfectionistic habits getting the better of you, what are two things you can do to change or modify these behaviors?

Part -2:


This journal entry concerns the theme of resolution.

The following are some suggestions that might inspire you to draft a letter to someone you have been meaning to write.
Now is your chance!Write only one of the letters below.

1. Compose a letter to someone you were close to who has passed away or someone you haven't been in contact with for a long time. Tell that person what you have been up to, perhaps any major changes in your life, or changes that you foresee occurring in the months or years ahead. If you have any unresolved feelings toward this person, try expressing them in appropriately crafted words so that you can resolve these feelings and come to a sense of lasting peace.

2. Write a letter to yourself. Imagine that you have one month to live. What would you do in these last thirty days? Assume that there are no limitations, whom would you see? Where would you visit? What would you do? Why?

3. Pretend that you now have a baby. What would you like to share with your son or daughter now, should, for some reason, you not have the opportunity to do so later in life? What would you like your child to know about you? For example, perhaps you would share things that you wanted to know about your parents or grandparents, which now are pieces missing in your life.

4. Write a letter to anyone you wish for whatever reason.

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Dissertation: Do you have perfectionistic tendencies if so why do you
Reference No:- TGS02572570

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