
Do you have any recommendations for improving the project

SUMMARY  This is an imortant part of the project.

This is a very important part of the project and is worth 60 points. For this part of the project, you are asked to combine the information you learned from reading your text and the data you collected from your interview to formulate conclusions about him or her. Be sure that you clearly understand what is required in this summary BEFORE you conduct the interview.

Format: This summary must be a minimum of 5-typed pages for full credit and must include all of the criteria below for full credit. It must be double-spaced, 1" margins, 12pt font, and Times, Arial, or Calibri fonts.

Use The Following Headings (Titles) for Each Section.

(If the headings are missing I deduct points.)


Begin with a general introduction describing the child and your overall experience with this project. Include the background information here directly from your interview here to support your conclusions.

Physical Development

Describe the physical development of the child. Does it match the statistics in your textbook? What other conclusions can you make about his/her physical development and overall health? Justify your conclusions by citing information from the text and your interview.

Cognitive Development

Start be giving the Piagetian Stage in which this child falls. Include information from the Piagetian Conservation Task and other information to justify why you placed the child in this stage. What else you learned about the cognitive abilities of this child? Justify your conclusions by citing information from the text and your interview.

Social and Personality Development

What have you learned about the child's social skills, personality and overall psychological development? Include information about the family relationships from your interview and from your analysis of the "family portrait." Justify your conclusions by citing information from the text and your interview.

Conclusion (Answer this question.)

What did you learn from this project that may prove helpful in your work with children or as a parent?

Feedback (Answer this question.)

Do you have any recommendations for improving the project for future classes?

How to Assemble your Project for Submission

Signed Consent Form

Project Packet (with child's answers typed into fields)

Family Portrait (with child's explanation)

Typed Summary

Staple these papers together. There is no need to place them in a folder as you will put this project in your class folder.

Attachment:- allen.rar

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Prepared by a verified Expert
English: Do you have any recommendations for improving the project
Reference No:- TGS01719476

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