
Do you have any personal experience with the facility in

Sport Facilities & Event Management Assignment

Facility Visit Critical Analysis (to be used after all Facility Visits)

While our classroom lectures and assignments generally take care of the "event management" aspect of this course, the "facilities" aspect is best experienced through in-person class visits to three of our facilities here at Miami University, a Division I NCAA institution. These guided tours by facilities personnel allow the students of this course to see ?rsthand the amount of effort and work it takes to maintain a high level sport facility as well as the work needed to run events of a Division I calibre.

As a way to think about the operation of these facilities (as well as to ensure you are paying attention), students will be asked to produce one critical analysis after each of our facility visits, worth twenty points each. Students will have roughly one week to complete this facility analysis and upload it to Canvas as is the case for our usual assignments. Please be aware that anyone absent without an approved excuse for the visit itself will be given a zero for this written critical analysis grade.

In this assignment, students should attempt to answer the following:

Personal Experience w/ Facility: Do you have any personal experience with the facility in question? If so, has your experience generally been positive or negative? Why? Note that I know not every student will have had any type of personal experience with all of the facilities we visit this semester.

Operational Opinion: Given your personal experience (if any) with the facility, as well as with the knowledge garnered from the guided tour, how would you characterize the operation of the facility? Is your opinion positive or negative? Why?

Management Challenges: Taking into account some of what our host talked about on his/her tour of the facility, what do you believe are some of the biggest management challenges for a facility such as the one we visited? Why?

Improvements: As college students at Miami, you are part of the target market for this facility. If you could make recommendations as to how the facility in question could be operated, whether its feature based on event management based, what would you recommend? Use your personal experience (if any), along with the knowledge that you gained from the tour.

Interesting Knowledge Gained: I suspect everyone learned something, even if they are familiar with the facility in question through recreational use or attendance as a spectator. What are a few of the most interesting pieces of knowledge about this facility you learned from our in-person tour of it?

Optimal length for these assignments is between 800-1000 words.

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Dissertation: Do you have any personal experience with the facility in
Reference No:- TGS02457047

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