Question: Answer each question fully (incorporating both your self-evaluation and your reader's evaluation) into your answers.Cut and paste each question below into your assignment and then type your answers below each one.Following the questions in each section is a link to assist you with that area of the essay. Some of the documents are long. Scan and then choose what you need to review for this assignment and for future reference. The documents are for you to use and review as needed.
1. Do you have a thesis that is clear, arguable and direct? Is the thesis statement the last sentence of your first paragraph? Does your reader (tutor, instructor, friend, classmate), know exactly what you intend to argue in the paper simply by reading your thesis statement? Is the reader in any way confused and if so; how will you clarify the thesis so it is not confusing? (See thesis document).
2. Do the first sentences in each of your body paragraphs act as topic sentences that make a claim? Is the claim direct and clear? Is it a statement that tells the reader what the paragraph will be about? Are there any topic sentences that need improvement? Explain. (See topic sentence document ONLY THE FIRST TWO PAGES).
3. Does every body paragraphs have enough effective and reliable evidence to prove the claim of the topic sentence? Are there facts, personal experiences, observations, statistics and quotes from authorities that prove the claim of each topic sentence? Do you provide evidence that is logical and effective? Have you explained what the evidence means and how it proves your point? Are you teaching the reader something new? Are you engaging the reader or keeping the reader interested and thinking? If so how? If not, what can you add to engage or interest the reader? (See essay diagram and pay attention to the body paragraphs section).
4. Do you have an effective, useful and engaging introduction that leads the reader into the subject matter and thesis? If so how does the introduction do this? If it does not, what do you intend to revise to improve your introduction? (See introduction document).
5. Do you have a conclusion that intrigues the reader and leaves the reading thinking? Explain. (See conclusiondocument).
6. Have you deliberately set up the essay to feel unified, organized and well connected? Do all parts of the essay connect and build upon each other? Are ideas set up in a logical, working order that is easy to follow? If so, explain your organizational pattern. If not, how will you organize the essay to be more effective? ( See Unity and Coherence document; first 2 pages then examples as needed.).