Response to the following problem:
On the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third Edition (WAIS-III), Ms. VESID achieved a verbal scale standard score (VIQ) of 90, a performance scale standard score (PIQ) of 94, and a full scale standard score (FSIQ) of 91. These scores have a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Specific subtest results are as follows:
Verbal Subtests :
X=10, S.D.=3
Vocabulary 7
Similarities 11
Arithmetic 8
Digit Span 12
Information 4
Comprehension 8
Letter Number Sequence (12)
VIQ = 90
Performance Subtests:
X=10 S.D.=3
Picture Completion 8
Digit Symbol 11
Block Design 9
Matrix Reasoning 9
Picture Arrangement 9
Symbol Search 11
PIQ = 94
The WASI - Brief Version of the WAIS-III would yield:
Vocabulary - 7
Similarities - 11
Block Design - 9
Matrix Analogies - 9
Question 1: Do you get the same impression from the two forms? What is the impression from each version?
Question 2: What areas of concern are shown on the WAIS - III that does not show up using the WASI?
Question 3: How would you investigate and resolve the difference in conclusions bewteen the WAIS-II and the WASI?