
Do you feel like crt makes you hate

Assignment Task: War on Voice?

In September on the eve of losing a quest to a second term in presidency, Donald Trump issued an executive order Links to an external site.  banning "diversity and race sensitivity training" in government agencies, specifically spending related to any training on critical race theory. Following the Ban Florida Governor Ron DeSantis banned CRT from being covered in Florida's public schools for he believed that CRT taught kids to hate their country and to hate each other; in addition, several states followed Florida's governor ban. This ban is only one of several (ie., "trendy ideologies" Links to an external site.Florida governor DeSantis has tried to ban in state colleges and universities.

Analyze these bans from a CRT lens. Why are republic states banning the usage of critical pedagogies?

Please use CRT tenants to discuss the issue.

Push to share some of your continued struggles around racism, voice, and the role of school in silencing.

Do you feel like CRT makes you hate one another or hate this country?

Do you feel empowered to use your voice to speak your truths?

Criteria for Success/Requirement:

Please make specific connections to course content from the reading by citing the text from which you get your facts from.

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Other Subject: Do you feel like crt makes you hate
Reference No:- TGS03328882

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