
Do you consider miltons paradise lost an epic poem why or

Topic FolderMilton & Bunyan

1. Do you consider Milton's "Paradise Lost" an epic poem? Why, or why not? What characteristics of the epic does it share?

2. Who is your favorite "character" in John Milton's poem? Why is this character your favorite? Please write a detailed response and refer specifically to the text.

3. John Bunyan's "The Pilgrim's Progress" is a work of Puritanism. How is Puritanism different from the contemporary English church? In what way does this work exemplify those differences? You may use outside sources to define Puritanism, but please refer specifically to the text in your answer.

4. Obviously religion is the major theme in both "Paradise Lost" and "Pilgrim's Progress." Is this indicative of the time period? Using outside research to explore the era, discuss whether other authors were discussing religion exclusively. Was it met with criticism?

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Dissertation: Do you consider miltons paradise lost an epic poem why or
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