
Do you believe that us preventive services task force

2 pg AMA format

While the concept of screening and surveillance are intertwined there are subtle distinctions between the two ideas. The main goals are data collection to measure magnitude, changes, and trends in populations. The objective is to create interventions in defined populations. On the contrary, testing to identify individuals with infection or disease is the main goal of screening. The area of breast cancer screening and breast cancer surveillance has been a point of contention. Please read the following article and weigh in on which side seems most convincing:


Do you believe that US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations should be followed or do you believe screening should start at age 40? Why or why not? What type of surveillance would be appropriate/necessary for this type of situation; active, passive, or sentinel?

Make sure to support your thoughts with information from the readings this week?

readings this week:

CDC: Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice (Focus on Lesson Five)

The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC): Chapter 7 - Applications of Research Methods in Surveillance andProgramme Evaluation.

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Dissertation: Do you believe that us preventive services task force
Reference No:- TGS01578892

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