
Do you believe that sams family is adequately prepared for

INCIDNET- Was There Enough Preparation?

"Hi, Sam. How are the preparations going for your assignment in Japan?"

"Well, Ms, I really feel prepared for the assignment, and the high level of apprehension I first experienced is gone.

"What exactly did the preparation program involve, Sam?"

The experience was really exhaustive. First, I spent a good deal of time in a comprehensive orientation and training program. The program covered training and familiarization in the language, culture, history, living conditions, and local customs of Japan. Then, to make the transition back to home easier and better for my career, I have developed a plan with my boss that includes several trips back here to remain a key pan of this operation. Also, my career development training will include the same training as the other managers in the home office. Finally, I was completely briefed on repatriation orientation and training that I would experience when I returned. Also, I was fully briefed on the compensation package, which appears to be fairly generous."

"That is great. Sam. Have you found a place to live yet?"

"Not yet, EMS, but my wife and children are leaving in three days to meet with the company's relocation person to consider the various possibilities."

"How did the family like the orientation training, Sam?"

'Well, my wife ordered some Japanese language tapes, and I think she read all of the information that was covered in the class. She and the children will be line because they have time to adapt they don't have to hit the ground running like I do."


1. Do you believe that Sam's family is adequately prepared for the move to Japan? Why or why not?

2. Should the company's orientation program have included training for Sam's family? Discuss.

3. Is repatriation orientation and training necessary for Sam's family on their return to the United States?

Source information: article from Human Resource Management, Martocchi and Mondy. ISBN 978-0-13-3866223 page 376.

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Essay Writing: Do you believe that sams family is adequately prepared for
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Anonymous user

4/26/2016 3:09:19 AM

As the following assignment that has some tactics for the completion of this assignment INCIDNET- Was There Enough Preparation? "Well, Ms, I really feel prepared for the assignment, and the high level of apprehension I first experienced is gone. "What exactly did the preparation program involve, Sam?"