
Do you believe that philosophy can be taught

1. Name your file: Midterm Last Name, i.e. Midterm Jones

2. Put your name on the actual document you are submitting.

3. Write out and answer the questions. Check all spelling and grammar in MLA format.

4. Cite all sources, direct quotes or indirect ideas using elliptic giving author AND page numbers, i.e. (Soccio 26). Failure here could result in a 0%!

5. Include a Works Cited page at the end.

6. Make sure you submit the work in Turn It In in a single Word document in doc. or docx. or richtext format.

7. Each essay is 250 words. Extensive quotes do not count toward this. If you cannot answer a question in these parameters, use another question. Minimum word count DOES NOT insure an excellent grade.


1. Do you believe that philosophy can be taught? Explain your answer.

2. Do you think that it is possible to lead a fulfilling human life while being completely selfish? Explain your view, and show how it connects to the thought of Confucius.

3. Do you believe that philosophers should charge for their services? How would they go about this? Does your answer presuppose anything about the value of philosophy? From where might value of any discipline come from?

4. Do you think that Socrates’ approach would work really to change a society, or not? Explain your answer. Do you think that this was his aim? If so, why? If not, what was his aim?

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