
Do you believe a student loyalty program

Marketing the ‘Big Game': Developing a Student Rewards Program in College Basketball

In a paragraph or two, briefly explain what the case is about.

1. Analyze a sport rivalry based on the elements presented in the case. Use specific language from the case to frame your thoughts.

2. The case mentions a few techniques to help "manufacture" rivalry. Give examples of some of the techniques used and how they can be used in the design and implementation of a rewards program.

3. Do you believe a student loyalty program would work at your Becker College? Why or why not? Likewise, what are the unique challenges Becker may faces in developing a rewards program?

4. Analyze a professional sports team using "Personal Investment Theory."

5. Mullin Chapter 8 outlines several sales tactics/methods. Please discuss two. Likewise, which sales tactic/method are you must receptive to when someone is attempting to sell you on a product/service.

6. Sales is important to every sport organization. Please visit any professional or college athletic website and finds someone who works in sales (VP of Sales, VP of Corporate Sponsorship, Associate Athletic Director of Development, etc.) biography then discuss how the person's current position and past experience reflect sales experience. What have they done, what does their job entail.


In a paragraph or two, briefly explain what you have learned.

• What are your major take-aways?

• What did you find most interesting and why?

• What surprised you and why?

• Was there something that didn't make sense?

• What would you like to learn more about and why?

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Marketing Management: Do you believe a student loyalty program
Reference No:- TGS01763819

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