Please answer the following questions very deeply and presicely :
"Rivers and Tides"
At the 20:45 mark of the film, Goldsworthy states that "total control can be the death of a work." How do you interpret that phrase? What do you think Goldsworthy meant?
Carlson mentions the "object model" paradigm where one appreciates objects for "the actual physical object which it is"(268). He goes on to note that the "object model" contains a limitation of appreciation of natural objects, "The limitation is the result of the removal of the object from its surroundings which the object model requires in order even to begin to provide answers to questions of what and how to appreciate."(269).
First, do you agree with this limitation that you can only begin to appreciate an object when you remove it from its surrounds?
Or, do you think art, especially in the natural environment, should always contain within its surroundings so we can accurately appreciate it? Also, could this be why art museums are typically display art on plain white walls, so that we are not distracted by our surroundings?
The answer should be (6-8 sentences)
Reading : Appreciation and the Natural Enviroment By Allen Carlson