
Do you agree with princeton professor keeanga-yamahtta

The historically low approval ratings of Congress

Then, several House Democrats staged a sit-in on the House floor to demand a vote on gun control legislation.

This, of course, is very much related to the question of approval, as the low ratings are often linked to the perception that Congress fails to get things done, for example on gun control.

On the background of the sit-in and one piece that is very critical of it. Do you agree with Princeton professor Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor's view that the sit-in seemed cynical?

(If you do, make sure you precisely outline why you agree, maybe you agree with the statement but for very different reasons). Or do you think the action had its merits (in terms of highlighting problems, raising an issue, mounting a critique, etc.)?

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Dissertation: Do you agree with princeton professor keeanga-yamahtta
Reference No:- TGS02432380

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