Assignment Task: The guiding slogan of "ethical relativism": "when in Rome, do as the Romans do." According to this ethical philosophy, no culture has better ethics than any other and a country should not impose its ethical standards on other countries. However, pure "ethical relativism" would require the acceptance of slave labor, the dumping of toxic wastes, and even murder if local customs called for those practices.
The opposite of "ethical relativism"- is "ethical imperialism." "Ethical imperialism" is the belief that there should be a single or the same ethical standards for all cultures/countries to follow.
Q1. Do you primarily agree with "ethical relativism" or "ethical imperialism?" Identify at least 3 reasons/benefits for your choice?
Q2. What are at least 3 benefits of the ethical belief you didn't choose in #1?
Q3. How would you combine or incorporate the benefits of both ethical relativism and ethical imperialism?
Q4. What suggestions or advice would you offer an international company/manager on how to effectively operate in different countries with different ethical standards?