Do you agree with berger in his assessment

Assignment Part A:

The Information Ecosystem (300 words)

After reading "The Information Ecosystem, spend some time discussing this week's reading by posting in the discussion board.

You may consider responding to the following prompts:

  • Do you agree with Berger in his assessment that "We're bombarded with too much data, too much information, too many images and numbers from everywhere all at once?" How do you think this bombardment has changed since the article was originally published in 1989?
  • By definition, an ecosystem is "a complex network or interconnected system." Do you believe this is an appropriate word for how we send and receive information? Why or why not?
  • Berger points out that "While we may be overloaded, we are also gaining increased control." In his example, the VCR gave people in the 80s the ability to choose when they would consume a television program. Can you think of ways in which we are also gaining increased control? Are these always positive? Can you think of a way in which more control over media can be a bad thing?

After you have submitted an initial response to the prompt, return and reply to at least two of your peers. Remember that replies should attempt to continue the conversation. You may consider responding to the following prompts in your peer replies:

1.  What, specifically, do you agree with in your classmate's post? Why do you agree with this?

2.  What, specifically, do you disagree with in your classmate's post? Why do you disagree?

3.  Suggest something to your classmate that they have not considered in their original post and provide some context as to why this should be considered.

Assignment Part B:


In this brief assignment, you will practice analyzing television advertisements trying to sell the same product. You will include what you have reviewed about rhetorical devices, visual texts, academic writing, and analysis.

The Assignment:

First, choose a pair of television advertisements to watch from the list below.

Pair 1

  • Hyundai "History of Evolution" (opens in new window)
  • Kia, "Smarter Way". (opens in new window)

Pair 2

  • Allstate, "The Best Things in Life" opens in new window)
  • Allstate, "I'm a Teenage Girl" (opens in new window)

After viewing the two television advertisements from your chosen pair, respond to the following prompts in a short journal entry:

  • Who is the target audience of this commercial? The answer to this question is never "people who want a car" or "people who want insurance." The commercials are targeting specific people. Who do you think they are? How old are they? Are they single? Married? Young? Old? Be specific and point to evidence from the commercial to support your claim. Compare the audiences for your two ads.
  • What specific rhetorical appeals are being used in the commercial? Are they mostly emotional? Are they mostly logical? Is the commercial trying to prove the credibility of the company? How? Identify 2-3 specific examples of rhetorical appeals from each ad and discuss how they contribute to the ad's message. Compare the strategies employed by your two ads.
  • Is the ad successful? For the most part, commercials are not made with the intention that people will run out and immediately purchase the thing being advertised. Instead, advertising strives to leave an impression and make a mark with the audience so that whenever they are in the market, they might remember the company. Are these ads successful in that regard? Compare the success of your two ads.

Grading Criteria:

Your journal response should be around 200 words long and address the above prompts.

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