1. Think about an effective team you have been on. What made it effective?
2. Think about an underperforming team you have been on. Why was it underperforming?
3. Do you agree that team effectiveness should have all three components? If you had to eliminate one of the components, which do you think should be removed? Why?
4. What factors do you think most contribute to process loss in groups you have been in?
5. If you were staffing a team, what would you look for in team members? Why?
6. Which do you feel is more important to team performance, goals and feedback or rewards? Why?
7. Do you think a team contract would improve the effectiveness of teams? Why or why not?
8. Which do you feel is more important to team performance, informational diversity or demographic diversity? Why?
Do multicultural teams increase this type of diversity? If so, how?