Paper should be 4-6 double spaced pages and be based on a journal article or issue of the student's choice. If you use an online source, check that it provides credible information.
Some sources the student may wish to consider are:
• CFO Magazine's Online site:
• Strategic Finance Magazine:
(issues in the members only area may be accessed from the UMUC Web Database: ABI/INFORM)
• McKenzie Quarterly (free subscription, also available in web databases):
• Business Finance Magazine:
(also available from the UMUC Web Database: ABI/INFORM)
The above are only examples, articles from other accounting or financial management journals and sources are acceptable also to use as supporting references.
The discussion papers should summarize and analyze the main points put forward by the authors.
Do you agree or disagree with the author, and what is the basis for your position? Exceptional work would include additional research and thoughtful synthesis of the authors' ideas with your ideas.
Five Key Reasons why Financial Management is Better in the Cloud - Raphael Bres