
Do we write a procedure using samples or assume it is a

Topic:Portfolio: Research Methods and Skills

Do we write a procedure using samples or assume it is a real thesis like am designing? for instance:

1. Quantitative Analysis - - Workings on the processes of analysis e.g. selection of appropriate statistical tests, statistical output using SPSS, reporting of findings;

Prepare a Portfolio - Questionnaire design - this should reflect on the process of developing a questionnaire, with particular focus on - Broad areas and Facets. so here we only assume are showing what to follow when designing a Questionnaire, the procedure and also the selection of different SPSS test (why chose different tests and how to report the findings). is that what the client wants?

2. Interviewing - design interview questions on any health related issues e.g. "why do people smoke?"; draft consent form; draft information sheet; makeup excerpt/notes from the interview(textual); makeup field notes, makeup excerpts from reflexive diary.

here we believe the client desires to have only procedure like a guideline without any sample data or practical example of analysis just like the interview never happened only to show why the client will do, should he be given a thesis to work on?

3. Qualitative Analysis - provide workings on the processes of analysis e.g. coding (using NVIVO), list of codes, memos, reflections. only procedure

4. Developing a Survey - design a survey on any health relation issue, makeup field notes; makeup reflexive notes; provide notes on analytical considerations.only procedurePART TWO: Reflexive account on research methods

Purpose of the Portfolio

The purpose of part two of the portfolio is to provide a reflexive and detailed account of conducting a range of data collection methods. The portfolio will demonstrate your knowledge, skills and understanding when designing and conducting empirical research in the practice of ‘doing' research across a range of different data collection methods. The materials submitted in the portfolio will back up and provide evidence to your short narratives on research methods.

The portfolio enables you to show how you undertake and present a range of research methods and link the practice of research to key methodological and ethical considerations. In particular, the portfolio will demonstrate how you can:

(i) make interconnections between theory, methodology and methods; and
(ii) demonstrate reflexivity in the practice of different data collection methods

The portfolio will be evidenced by a wide range of literature and resources on methods and methodology (that may include chapters / textbooks / methodological papers / online resources / research monographs). The portfolio needs to be fully referenced using Harvard.

All training activities that involve other people in any way need to be undertaken within the university premises. Any interviewing you are practising for your research skills development needs to be conducted with full consent and only to involve students within the current cohort of the study block Research in Practice who are willing and happy to participate.

All appendices and information submitted and any reporting of the data / interviews / observation needs to be reported in a non-identifiable manner to protect the identity of any participants. The process of anonymisation commences at the point of data collection. Any fieldnotes and information from the data collection process is for the purpose of student coursework only. Any identifiable information or data needs to be destroyed on completion and award of the Masters of Public Health and Health Promotion and kept on a password protected computer and / or in a locked cupboard or drawer.

Sections of the Portfolio:


For the purpose of training, developing the technique of interviewing, you can undertake an interview and/or focus group. The topic and practice of the interview needs to be appropriate for training purposes (please check with the lecturer). The interview and/or focus group can be undertaken within the workshops or with other students willing to participate within the cohort. Full consent and information about the process needs to be undertaken and issues of anonymity well considered.

In the reflective portfolio (450 words) you may consider:

• Issues to consider when setting up an interview eg preparing for an interview, time and place, the practice of digital recordings.
• The process of doing the interview
• The art of listening, the development of trust and rapport, and ethical considerations during an interview
• Interviewing style, consideration of the type of interview, the interview schedule, and the effectiveness of the interview answering the research question and eliciting significant data
• The nature of the interviewer / interviewee relationship and the role of reflexivity, rigour and transparency
• Challenges, possibilities and insights on the interviewing process.

Qualitative Analysis

Using the transcripts provided (either focus group data OR in-depth interview data) carry out the qualitative analysis.

In the reflective portfolio (450 words) you may consider:

• Description and justification of the approach you took to analysis;
• Describe the actual process of analysis;
• Presentation of part of your analysis of the material, that also shows how you can use quotations to support your analysis;
• Critically discuss how your own experiences or perspective played into your analysis (reflexivity);
• Challenges, possibilities and insights on the process of analysing qualitative data and your role as the researcher.

The processes and coding schemes can be submitted as part of the appendices. This can include showing the processes that you undertook to do the qualitative analysis.

Developing a Survey

This section will involve designing a survey / questionnaire on a health promotion and public health related issue. You need to state the research question and design a range of different types of questions within the questionnaire to explore the topic.

You may consider the following issues in the reflective portfolio (450 words):

• The process of developing a survey to answer a research question
• The rationale for the type and order of the questions
• To consider how the nature of the sample effects the development of a survey
• To consider the types of analyses you would do and how this relates to the development of the survey
• To consider the proposed mode of data collection (eg online, hardcopy, face to face interview) and how this relates to the development of the survey. NB you do not need to conduct the survey, only design the survey.
• Be reflexive and critical in how you developed the survey

The survey and additional information will be submitted as part of the appendices within this section.

Quantitative Analysis

You will be given a data set to analyse for this piece of work and will consider statistical techniques that you can use when analysing the quantitative data provided. You will need to present your analysis in written form.

You may consider including the following issues in the reflective portfolio (450 words).

• Processes that you undertake in the practice of doing quantitative analysis
• Importance of levels of measurement in statistical theory
• Demonstrate understanding and application of statistical principles
• Demonstrate an ability to present your statistical output in written form for a non-specialist reader.
• Be reflexive and critical in how you undertook the quantitative analysis

The processes and associated tables can be submitted as part of the appendices. This can include showing the processes that you undertook to do the quantitative analysis.

Please find as attachments the Data set to analyse and the assignment guidelines. The writer should just focus on doing the Quantitative Analysis. There is no need to designing anything. The writer should have a look at the data analysis provided and write about statistical techniques that can be used when analysing the quantitative data provided.

No# of Pages:7 pages (1,750 words)

Paper Style:Harvard

No# of Sources Required:25

Attachment:- Quantitative Data Set to Analyse.rar

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Dissertation: Do we write a procedure using samples or assume it is a
Reference No:- TGS01303961

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