
Do touristsvisitors frequent your community what positive

Assignment: Sustainable tourism

Using knowledge gained from textbook and article readings and lectures, supplemented by scholarly articles and primary research such as interviews.Examine how the tourism industry has affected the environmental, social/cultural and economic stakeholders in that community. You should focus heavily on perceptions of those stakeholders, which will require primary contact with these stakeholders. A minimum of one contact per stakeholder group (3 total) is required. Emails or transcribed phone calls are required.

Possible examples of stakeholders:

Environmental - local watershed protection organization, local park or trail 'friends' group, local environmental protection group, etc.

Social/Cultural - local historic preservation society, local social club such as Lions or Rotary, local community group, etc.

Economic - local hotel owner/general manager, local restaurant owner, local tour guide (such as canoe/kayak tours, horseback rides, etc.), etc.
Sample questions (not an exhaustive list - please come up with some of your own):

Do tourists/visitors frequent your community? What positive impact(s) do they have on the local environment/culture/economy? What negative impact(s) do they have? Do you want to see more/less tourists in your community? Why? Do you think they can be better managed somehow? How or why?

Finally, make sure to note the name with correct spelling, company or organization, date/time of communication and method (email, phone, etc.). Please check APA rules for correct citation method. Please do include the interview as part of your APA reference list at the end of your paper

Essay must be a maximum of 5 pages (excluding references).

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Dissertation: Do touristsvisitors frequent your community what positive
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