Matlab coding and simulation assignment
1- matlab codes and simulation for results of outage probability and Asymptotic outage probability presented in figure 3 and figure 4 page 4 and 5.

2- Do the same thing with different assumption where 3, instead of 2, destinations and relays are used. Equations that you need are in paper. if you need any further explanation, please send me an email
Do the following:
1- matlab code and simulation for figure 3 and 4 in pages 4 and 5 respectively.
Calculate outage probability and asymptotic outage probability with signal noise ration ( as shown in the attached paper).
2- matlab code and simulation for the same figures but instead consider 3 relays and 3 destinations. calculate outage probability and asymptotic outage probability with signal noise ration (based on the information on the paper).
Attachment:- Relay Selection for Multi-Destination in Cooperative Networks with Secrecy Constraints.pdf