
Do the presidential candidates present ideal approaches and

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Outline and Thesis

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Thesis Statement: The issue of immigration will continue to be a major social issue to be debated during the 2016 presidential elections in the US.

Research Question: Do the presidential candidates present ideal approaches and solutions to dealing with the social issue of illegal immigration in the US?

I. History of immigration in United States of America

A. The issue of illegal immigration has become a persistent problem in the US where thousands of people cross the American borders without authorization.

B. Trends of illegal immigrants in countries of unauthorized immigrants(Krogstad, Passel, & Cohn, 2016).

II. Causes of illegal immigration in the US.

A. Mexicans helped in launching the Texas revolution.

B. Spanish colonizers were the first North America settlers before the first Anglo settlers(Planas, 2014).

C. Many Mexicans lived in America during the time of the Mexican-American war.

D. Mexico and the US share a border.

III. Negative impacts of illegal immigration in the US.

A. The use of government services without tax deductions.

B. Leads to an increase in the number of people with low-wage jobs which negatively affects the economy(Davidson , 2013).

C. Illegal immigration leads to high rates of crime in the US.

IV. Approaches adopted by presidential candidates in dealing with the issue of illegal immigrants.

A. A transparency on the issue will enable the involved parties to work with the winning candidate to solve the problem.

B. One interesting argument by Donald Trump to control illegal immigrants is by building a wall to separate the two countries.

C. Hillary Clinton takes a less radical approach to controlling illegal immigrants in the US.


Davidson , A. (2013, February 12). Do Illegal Immigrants Actually Hurt the U.S. Economy? Retrieved from A New York Times Web site.

Krogstad, J. M., Passel, J. S., & Cohn, D. (2016, November 3). 5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S. Retrieved from


Planas, R. (2014, August 25). These Are The Real Reasons Behind Illegal Immigration. Retrieved from A Huffington Web site :


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HR Management: Do the presidential candidates present ideal approaches and
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