
Do the bi-laws states anything specifically about diversity

The first section of your course project, Interview and Evaluation of Current Policies, is due in Unit 5. In this unit's first discussion, you will post a draft of your interview questions for peer review. Take some time to review the assignment description and Interview and Evaluation of Current Policies Scoring Guide (link given in the resources) to understand the requirements and grading criteria for this assignment. You may also review your course project information.

Note: Though it is recommended toconduct an in-person interview, you can conduct the interview by e-mail or telephone, if that is convenient to the interviewee.

Suggestions from the Professor:

I have a couple of recommendations for you. In u2d2 you indicated your topic would be on Gay employees. The draft interview question cover general diversity. The interview should be used to discuss policies directly related to your chosen employee group (Gay employees). I recommend you revise your questions in order to make best use of the interview in preparation for next assignment.

List of the Interview Questions I suggested. Now these questions need to be targeted to the Gay population. Please rephrase question to relate to Gay population.

Is there a clear definition of diversity for your organization?

Who handles the HR and diversity issues?

Do the Bi-Laws states anything specifically about diversity?

Are there any specific policy about joining?

Are there any plans on expanding diversity?

Are there sensitivity classes set in place?

How do you combat issues on diversity and harassment?

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Dissertation: Do the bi-laws states anything specifically about diversity
Reference No:- TGS02399261

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