Case Study- Memorandum of Law
Assignment- The specific legal question that you will be researching is as follows:
Do the ancient legal doctrines of champerty and maintenance still apply in Michigan? If so, what are the rules? Will ABC be able to bring a policyholder's claim itself or fund a policyholder lawsuit in your state?
You will be expected to consult U.S. legal resources on websites such as Westlaw International to come up with your answer. Do not forget to KeyCite (on Westlaw) your cases to make sure that the cases you are citing are still good law. KeyCite will also help you find the most recent cases on point. You may wish to consult legal encyclopedias such as the Am Jur (American Jurisprudence) or CJS (Corpus Juris Secondum) to get you started. We believe that in some states, these rules are now contained in statutes. In that case, you may be able to find the statutes by linking through from the relevant cases. Remember that if there is an applicable statute, you should check the relevant case authority interpreting the statute to see how the statute is currently being interpreted and applied by the courts.