
Do television writers responsible to portray diverse people

Assignment Part 1:

Answer the following question in a well-developed paragraph of seven to nine sentences using correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Cite specific examples to support your ideas. (Each question is worth ten points)

Question: In your opinion, do young television viewers receive messages about people who are different than themselves? Do writers of television shows have a responsibility to portray diverse people in accurate, unbiased, non-stereotypical ways? What would you recommend to counter negative effects of stereotyping?

Assignment Part 2:

Follow the directions below to compose a three paragraph essay in response to the questions provided. Each paragraph should consist of seven to nine sentences using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Be sure to discuss all points. (Each question is worth 30 points)

Question: Identify and locate a Native American image in the popular media. This may be done by using an internet search engine such as Google Image Search. Enter a term likely to retrieve Native American images; Indian, Native American, chief, or brave. You may also enter a specific tribal name or a specific character's name. You may also select an image appearing in a local or national newspaper, print advertising, or a children's book. Answer the following questions about the image. Compose a three paragraph essay in response to the following questions. Each paragraph should contain seven to nine statements using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

1) Look at the image you selected for several minutes.

2) In several sentences describe the image you selected. Use as many adjectives and descriptive words as you can.

3) Does the image contain elements from several different tribal cultures? For example: a teepee in a desert or woodland region or people wearing feathered headdresses and living in pueblo homes?

4) Are people or community life depicted as primitive or backward? If so, how?

5) Are people or lifestyles depicted as savage or war-like? If so, how?

6) For what purpose is the image used?

7) Why do you think this image was used for this purpose?

8) Would you be proud to be identified with the image you selected? Explain why or why not.

9) Do you think the artist accurately depicted Native American people? Why or why not?

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Reference No:- TGS03289011

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