
Do teachers have different expectations from different races


should mainly revolve around effects of government policies and equal opportunity employment.

Here is an outline of what the pp should be:

1. Equal Employment Opportunity Laws and their Effects

a. gender
b. race

2. Effectiveness of the Government's Antidiscrimination Effort

a. gender
b. race

3. Affirmative Action

a. schools
b. workplace

4. Comparable Worth

a. gender
b. race
c. Discussion about job evaulation

5. Conclusion

Racial data and visual evidence must be included.

Here are a few things that could be added (THE LIST SHOULD NOT COVER THE WHOLE PRESENTATION, see above concepts):

• Women have a harder time climbing the corporate ladder
• Women in politics
• Sexual harassment
• gender specific occupations
• teachers/nurses/retail
• are men discriminated against in these areas?
• Gender discrimination in schools
• Do teachers expect different things from male students vs. female students?
• Different characteristics of males and females that make them better/worse students
• Race discrimination in workplace
• Do-non white races have a harder time climbing the corporate ladder
• Non-white races in politics
• Language barriers
• Race discrimination in schools
• Affirmative action
• Language barriers
• Do historically black colleges and universities discriminate against non-black students?
• Do teachers have different expectations from different races?

The more slides, the better. Should be at least 7 slides total if you hit the right points though.

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Microeconomics: Do teachers have different expectations from different races
Reference No:- TGS01865778

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