Assignment task: Reflect on each of the following topics. Try to address each of the sub-questions. Make sure to cite the course readings as you discuss what you learned.
1. Supermarket Monopsony (Who controls the supply chain? Do supermarkets have a stake in farming? What happens if a supermarket does not buy the produce from a producer?)
2. Coalition of Imokalee Workers (Who are they? What do they want? How have their strategies changed since the 1990's? What is the Fair Food program? Discuss one of their wins - there is a list of them at the end of the film)
3. History of Farmworkers in California (Who were the earliest farmworkers in California? What happened in the 1960's (hint: Cesar Chavez)? What was the government response to UFW?)
4. Free Trade, Immigration, and Vulnerability (What has caused farmers to become farmworkers? How are farmworkers vulnerable? Why are farmworkers vulnerable (discuss two reasons)?)