
Do some people deserve an organ more than others

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"Do some people "deserve" an organ more than others? How about someone who has already received one organ? How about a mother with young children vs. someone who doesn't have children? How about a suicidal patient who has organ failure b/c they tried to kill themselves? What about someone who is a life-long smoker and heavy drinker? Please include discussion on what you view as appropriate methods/criteria for determining who receives an organ"

1. I lost my little brother, 21, almost two years ago. We decided to not let his organs go to waste and donated his organs to those in need. Once donated, we received a letter telling up where the organs went. For example, his lungs went to a 72-year-old man who has a wife and children. Of course, the party is grateful for the donation and as am I that my brother can live on through others.

There are more than 116,000 people on the waiting list as of August of last year. I agree 50% percent that there are some people who do actually "deserve" organ transplants. I do not think that it should be based on how many organs the person has received but more so on the quality of life that the organ will provide.

If a patient is on the list for a donation, I believe that priority should be given to at least those with a greater chance of quality of life or success of transplant. If there is a 80% that the patient could cease on the operating table, why take the chance that you could end life sooner than expected? I hope I am phrasing that correctly.

I do not really have a weigh in on whether an organ should go to a mother who has older or younger children I feel my opinion would be biased because I have a child.

For patients who have abused their bodies throughout the years, I believe that they should not be given priority. I am not saying do not put them on the list! But in my opinion, a person who engages in heavy drugs such as crack and cocaine should not come before a baby or young child who needs a transplant. (FLETCHER)

2. Organ transplantation has saved many lives over the years. More than 120, 000 people in the U.S. are waiting to receive a life-giving organ transplant (Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network). Organ transplantation has caused a number of ethical issues. Many people have their own opinions on determining who should get an organ. Referencing back on previous readings, medical examiners must abide by "justice", justice refers to fairness, treating people equally, and equitable distribution of benefits and burdens (Butts & Rich, 2016, pg.46). Being as though justice must be taken into consideration, anyone who is on an organ transplant list deserves an organ. I strongly take heed to individuals making mistakes; not every individual is perfect. Some may go through many tragic things in their lifetime resulting to them drinking and smoking. This should never determine whether an individual qualifies to receive organ transplantation.

However, there are factors that come along with an organ allocation. Blood types and other medical factors weigh into the allocation of every donated organ, but, other factors are unique to each organ-type (Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network). This goes to show that there are specific steps that must be taken to even get approved for an organ. In reference to the following statement "Patients with alcoholic cirrhosis should not receive equal priority for scarce transplantable organs" (Ubel, Jepson, Baron, Mohr, McMorrow, & Asch, 2001). I do not comply with this statement at all. That is like a nurse stating that she will not give medical attention to a person in a car crash that did not wear a seatbelt, but she will give medical attention to the person wearing a seatbelt.

It is just certain things in the medical field you cannot be biased about.

It is extremely nerve wrecking to even have to put someone on the organ list due to waiting time. On average, 20 people die each day in the U.S. while waiting for a transplant (Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network). The first step for an organ transplantation is getting the consent from a family member. Once the consent is provided, the clinical coordinator maintains the patient medically. The donor's blood type and body size is provided to match the donated organs to the potential recipients. Finally a computerized list of patients matching the blood type is given to OneLegacy coordinator, who then seeks to match the organ to the recipient (One Legacy).

Every 10 minutes, someone is added to the national transplant waiting list (Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network). Everyone on the waiting list deserves an equal opportunity of life. In my opinion if someone is causing their own illnesses, it still does not give anyone a right to decide who gets the organ. Everyone deserves an equal opportunity at life. Life should never be taken for granted in the first place. (HARGOVE)


1. I will discuss Parkinson's disease which is a progressive disorder of the central nervous system. Symptoms that present with the disorder includes tremors in the finger hands or extremities, slowed movements including shorter steps, muscle stiffness, impaired posture and balance, loss of blinking/smiling/or arm swing with walking, speech changes, and writing changes.

Parkinson's s caused by the break down of neurons in the brain which do not allow the production of dopamine. According to the NCBI Dopamine binds to specific membrane receptors presented by neurons and it plays the key role in the control of locomotion, learning, working memory, cognition, and emotion. Other factors contributing to the disorder include age (usually 60+), sex (more common in males), heredity & gene mutations (affecting multiple family members), and enviornmental triggers including toxins.

Diagnosis for the disorder is completed by a Neurologists usually requiring imaging (MRI, Ultrasound of the brain, SPECT and PET Scans). Once diagnosed there is no treatment for the actual disorder but medications can help control the symptoms. Some of the medications that can be prescribed include carbidopa-levodopa, dopamine agonists, MAO-B inhibitors, Anticholinergics, and amantadine. If medications are not helpful the neurologist may attempt a surgical procedure called deep brain stimulation where electrodes are placed in specific parts of the brain to reduce symptom. (Martinez)

2. Pseudocoma, more commonly known as Locked-In Syndrome, is a neurological disorder of the CNS. It makes it so that all voluntary muscles in your body become paralyzed, except for your eyes. Also, your involuntary muscles work fine, so you are basically trapped inside your own body, able to see everything going on around you. You are not able to speak or move though. This usually occurs because of damage to the pons.

People who have this condition have no way of communicating other than blinking or moving their eyes. They can still understand and hear what is going on around them, but they feel trapped from making any normal communication. This is because the nerves that control the muscles are being blocked because of some damage probably occurring in the brain stem. This damage can come from physical trauma, as well as lack of blood flow to the area.

To treat this disorder, one must first be placed on certain life support in order for them to live properly. For example, the patient will not be able to swallow properly so they need some way to get food and water. Once that is established, the cause of the damage needs to be identified. Once that is understood, if there are ways to alleviate the damage, such as restoring blood flow or treating cancer in the area, this should be done. However, damage may be permanent and the patient will best case scenario have to go through a lot of therapy to regain muscle function. (COHN)

3. Frontaltemporal Dementia (FTD), commonly known as Picks disease is a more rare form of dementia affecting the frontal and temporal anterior lobes. The symptoms that result are due to the shrinking of these lobes and affects a younger population of 40-75 year olds. The cerebral cortex of frontal lobes are responsible for emotional / behavioral / personality / and impulse control. Anterior temporal lobes are responsible for a role in language recognition (Weirnicke's Area). (Ammerman, 2016)

When the frontal lobe is damaged or in FTD is degenerating it results in severe behavioral / mood / and impulsive decision making. Reasoning and logic decrease while impulsivity increases making it patients prone to devastating financial decisions or unsafe impulses. Patients also commonly have OCD / Anxiety which result in repetitive thoughts / actions or messages telling them to do something. They also begin to lack self awareness, lack planning, and loss of empathy / social skills. All of this combined require 24 hour care for FTD patients to prevent harm. to themselves or others. This rare form of dementia is extremely hard on family members and loved ones as patients can often be mean and apathetic toward others. As the disease rapidly progresses (between 2-10 years) language skills are affected like with aphasia. Words come out garbled like with Weirnicks Aphasia and cannot recall names of objects. The last symptoms to appear are balance. / movement similar to Parkinson's Disease and memory loss. (11 Signs for FTD, 2017)

There is no cure and very little treatment options for TFD (Pick's). The disease progresses rapidly and only behavioral symptoms can be somewhat treated with antidepressants / SSRI's to help with OCD. Around the clock care and security is needed for FTD patients making it incredibly hard on family. Some research is pointing toward reducing brain tau, toxic protein called beta-amyloid, and plaques is all being considered as with Alzheimer's. Some evidence points toward prevention with a low BMI and Mediterranian Diet -one with healthy fats / oils to combat bad cholesterol and low alcohol. (Svitil, 2016) (BAYTHAYVONG)


"Reflect back on your experience of keeping a food diary for the Diet Analysis Assignment. What was this experience like? What made it easy/difficult and what (if any) benefits did you see from doing it? There is increasing the popularity of technology-based self-monitoring tools that enable people to track their diet, exercise, blood sugar, blood pressure, and more. Identify one such website, smartphone app, or device and discuss the application of the program. For what population is it most beneficial? Why? What are some of the unique and important features, and what features would you like to see included? How can an individual an use this piece of technology with their practitioner to improve their health?"

1.To me, keeping a food diary for the Dietary Analysis Assignment was beneficial because it broke down exactly what was in the foods I was eating, which was eye-opening for me. It was a little inconvenient for me to use, however, because I am usually eating quick during the day and not really having a proper sit-down meal until dinner time during the week.

Fitbit is one of the more popular technology-based self-monitoring tools used to measure physical activity, exercise, food, weight, and sleep. Fitbit has released various products that can be incorporated into many different lifestyles of many different populations of people. One product is the Fitbit Alta HR, which is a slim wristband that tracks activity, sleep and exercise. This wristband is small enough to fit into jewelry and is able to send reminders to let the wearer know they have been stationary for too long. This type of tracker would be great for a young professional that works a sedentary job and needs reminders to get up and get moving. If the wearer's practitioner recommended a certain amount of exercise, they would be able to program that into the wristband and receive notifications. I like that it is discreet and not too bulky. (SORGESTIN)

2. I have attempted to keep a food diary more than just for this class and I have been unsuccessful each time. I believe this is because i lack the time in my day and the memory to write everything down. I did notice that i would eat better when doing it because i would feel guilty for eating bad food and then have to document that i ate bad food.

I do, however, wear a Fit Bit each day and have for the last 2 years. Fit bits are a great form of technology to be motivated to get up and exercise. The different levels of price will allow the device to track your steps, monitor your heart rate, track how you sleep and how many staircases you have walked. It will also buzz or vibrate to let you know that you have been sitting down for too long and need to get moving. It allows for you to set your own daily goals and is accompanied by a very sophisticated app that you can customize to your liking. I would always set a goal for 10,000 steps a day. The app has the ability for you to add in your food intake, other forms of exercise, your weight and hight and how much water you have had to drink. It is by far, my favorite health app right now.

The Fit Bit is great for anyone who is looking to find ways to be healthier in their day. It will motivate you to take the stairs or park further in the parking lot. It will remind you to keep moving and drink water. it even gives you prizes for reaching your gaol and has the capability to compete with others. Its great for everyone! (HODGE)

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Biology: Do some people deserve an organ more than others
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