Think social inequities do still exist and happen but not as much or as flagrant as it used to be. Social inequities occur when special treatment is given to someone or not given to someone based on their race. I think different parts of the United States see different social inequities. Like in the south there is probably more of a bias against African Americans still where here in Arizona and parts of California there is more of a bias against Hispanic Americans. This is not the way people should be treated but it does happen. Here in Arizona, Hispanic Americans can get passed over for jobs because an employer is not certain their paperwork is accurate or their English is shaky and the employer does not want to risk getting in trouble. This is unfortunate because everyone deserves a chance to work and provide for their family, no matter how they look. Do social inequities (for example, certain individuals preferred over others for jobs, housing financing, and so on) based on race still occur? Please respond with at least 50 words.