
Do not include an exhaustive historical review

Write research paper on networking with following requirements.
Cloud Research Paper Requirements:
Below are the required research paper headings. Subheadings may be used as appropriate. The professor must approve research topics. 
Abstract -- A brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the research; It allows readers to survey the contents of an article quickly and, like a title, is used by abstracting and information services to index and retrieve articles by search engines. 
Introduction -- introduce the problem. The body of a paper opens with an introduction that presents the specific problem under study and describes the research strategy. Before writing the introduction, consider
• What is the point of the paper?
• How do the problem relate to ...?
• What are the implications of the research, and how does the study relate to previous work in the area.
A good introduction answers these questions in a paragraph or two and, by summarizing the relevant arguments and previous work, gives the reader a firm sense of what was done and why.
Problem Statement -- define the problem you are researching. This statement should be clear and succinct. 
Problem Significance -- explain why this problem is significant. Consider answering 
• Why this problem is worthy of research? 
• What are the implications to businesses or society?

Literature Review -- review the literature but do not include an exhaustive historical review. Assume the reader has some knowledge in the field for which you are writing and does not require a complete digest. Citation of and specific credit to relevant earlier works is part of the author's scholarly responsibility. At the same time, cite and reference only works pertinent to the specific issue and not works of tangential or general significance.
Industry's Response -- explain what, if anything, the industries affected by the specific research problem are doing to respond to the problem. Cite specific examples were necessary. The focus of this section is to document industry response for better or worse. What exactly are businesses or society doing to address this problem?
Conclusion -- evaluate and interpret the implications of the research problem, especially with respect to your problem statement. You are free to examine, interpret, and qualify your conclusion, as well as draw inferences. Focus on what the paper has explored and elaborate on where the trends appear to be heading.

This research papers should be at least 15 pages (350 words per page). The paper will be graded on the following criteria; 50% Content/Development (breadth depth of material covered), 20% Organization, 10% Format, 10% Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, and 10% Readability/Style. The use of APA style guides is expected.

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Basic Computer Science: Do not include an exhaustive historical review
Reference No:- TGS081250

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