
Do higher grades mean that you have read more not

Teacher comment

Great correlation here. Definitely the more time you spend on reading the better understanding which results in higher scores.

Does correlation indicate causation?

1. Is there a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the variables? Does x cause y?

I do believe, as stated above that the more time studying the better the grade result.

2. Is there a reverse cause-and-effect relationship between the variables? Does y cause x?

Do higher grades mean that you have read more? Not necessarily as this does has to do with whether or not you have had pre-exposure to the material.

3. Is it possible that the relationship between the variables can be caused by a third variable or by a combination of several other variables?

As mentioned in question 2, the third variable could be that you have had exposure to the experience.

4. Is it possible that the relationship between two variables may be a coincidence?

What do you think?

Student posts

Alicia post on correlation

So correlations don't always sound like they play a role in daily life, but after reading through the problems and getting that done I found that they are in many things that I do regularly. One thing in particular is (like everything else it involves my children lol) a theory I have. So for this one I will create a correlation between my children and their tantrums. If you have children then you know a constant is that at some point in the day or week there will be a meltdown of some sort. I can take it one step further and say that a positive correlation is this:

3 year old has an attitude (she comes by it naturally)

2 year old is playing happy (he is a silly boy)

3 year old: wants something, but is glaring and not being respectful...

2 year old: starts watching sister like a sponge in water

3 year old: Starts crying or screaming

2 year old: walks over to sister and starts screaming and crying and wanting whatever she wants.

I could start a high stakes betting on this really as I can positively say that anytime my 3 year old has a meltdown my 2 year old will in turn copy said meltdown and yet, he doesn't even want whatever sister wanted in the first place. Also on a side note, neither one gets whatever caused the malfunction which usually leads to more function failure. Be parents they said haha.

So when sister has a meltdown I can positively correlate that brother will follow suit.

Bryan post on correlation

One correlation in my life is that the time I go to bed is closely correlated to the amount of energy drinks I've had in a day. On some days, when I feel like I'm dragging my feet in the morning, I will have an energy drink right when I get to work. On these days I tend to fall asleep between 11:30 and midnight.

On occasions, especially after a big lunch, I will feel tired in the afternoon and grab a second energy drink. On these days where I've had two energy drinks I'm asleep by 1 AM. On the days that I do not have an energy drink at all, I actually go to bed between 10:30 or 11:00. Therefore, from what I've experienced, the more energy drinks I have in a day the longer I will stay up during the night and, potentially, make myself feel more tired the next day.

Lee post on conflict style

According to the chapter exercise "Assessing Your Conflict Style," my preferred conflict styles are Integrating, or Collaborating, for my personal relationship and compromising for my professional relationship.

The integrating conflict style means that both parties are very concerned for their interests, the interests of the other party, the resolution of the conflict, and the status of the relationship afterwards (Wilmot & Hocker, 2013). Since my personal relationship is based on the premise that my wife and I are equal partners in our journey through life, an integrating conflict style seems the most beneficial to achieving the ‘for life' promise. The chapter text has a great quote to describe the advantages of using integrating style in a relationship.

"A collaborative conflict does not conclude until both parties are reasonably satisfied and can jointly support a solution. Relationships are better, not worse, than when the conflict began." (Wilmot & Hocker, 2013, p. 165). Two disadvantages to integrating is that manipulative people can use the style to benefit themselves while taking away from the other party and if one party isn't as invested in the relationship, the process is a waste of time and energy (Wilmot & Hocker, 2013).

Michael post on conflict style

I think my style really depends on who I am talking with. For me, I try to avoid conflict because in my younger days I never really tried to avoid it. Age has bought wisdom. However, sometimes important and uncomfortable issues come up and I still put if off as long as I can. This is especially true in relationships I have had. With my son, I am more of a compromising type of person. I am trying to stop deciding for him and reason with him to the best solution. Sometimes I'm too lenient but the lessons I am teaching are life lessons. So for this stage in my life I do think I am more of an Avoider.

For me, the advantages of avoiding conflict is it gives me time to consider the conflict and my responses and sometimes it helps keep me from hurting someone's feelings. The disadvantages are that when I avoid, one might feel as if I did not care. It also keeps the conflict fresh instead of allowing it to be resolved. It hinders the person that is ready to solve it because they have to wait for me. It causes build up which will turn into an explosion over many subjects if it continues (Wilmont & Hocker, 2013, p. 152). I think understanding your tendencies for conflict can help you make wiser choices when the conflict turns super serious. If you understand your style, maybe you can explain to your conflict partner where you're coming from better.

Crystal post on assessment

I like to do non-standardized assessment of performance and portfolio on a child. "these evaluation measures use strategies that permit the child to demonstrate his or her understanding of a concept or mastery of a skill. The evaluation might take the form of a teacher-directed interview , in which a dialogue with the child would reveal the child's thinking and understanding. Other procedures might include games, directed assignments , or activities related to a project (Goodwin & Goodwin, 1993; Wiggins, 1993).

Some advantages of standardized testing are: practical solution, most of the standardized are multiple choice so this lets the student check one box and not stress out as much if not checking a box. Another one standardized testing would be comparison, this can let educators compare results of exams from other schools. Disadvantages are some of the questions are ridiculous, some of the questions that are on the test are not what a student would think that is on the test and it will make them unconfutable when answering. There are different others that can make a student scared when taking a standardized test.

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