
Do cultural differences really matter in globalised world

Assignment Title and Topic - The Importance of Cultural Differences for the Global Multi-National Corporation (MNC) Do cultural differences really matter in an increasingly globalised world?

Purpose of the Assessment and unit learning outcomes (ULO) - Students are required to apply their knowledge of the unit content from weeks 1 - 5 and demonstrate, through a written argument essay, critical thinking skills with evidence of research and a considered analysis of the topic and its implications for a MNC.

In the essay, students must address the following key themes including:

1. Explanations and examples of each of the determinants of culture.

2. Cross cultural literacy and the dimensions of culture.

3. Values, Norms, Ethics, Social Mobility.

4. The advantages and disadvantages of cultural diversity for the MNC and its level of importance.

Students are required to apply the theories and knowledge derived from the unit materials, demonstrate critical analysis and provide a considered and comprehensive evaluation in a conclusion at the end. Students must use correct in-text citation conventions. The following Unit Learning outcomes are relevant to this assessment:

1. Critically evaluate the impact of globalization, organisations and their management;

2. Utilize different perspectives to interpret and analyze business, social and cultural problems in an international setting.

3. Demonstrate an understanding of the social, political, economic, technological and cultural forces that influence decision-making in international business.

Assignment Specifications:

Purpose: This individual assignment is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of the unit concepts from weeks 1 -5 and apply their knowledge of the theories and unit material. Students will need to research widely, consider the topic from various perspectives and develop an argument based on a thesis statement, which is supported by credible evidence from relevant case studies and other academic sources.

Background and Context: Some argue that cultural diversity creates barriers between people due to obvious linguistic, cultural and religious differences. Others point to renowned global professional services firms, such as the "Big Four" Accounting partnerships, which actively promotes diversity - in all its forms - in the workplace and offers a range of services to a variety of clients around the world.

Given that historically, the English language is effectively the "lingua franca" or the language of business in the advanced economies of the developed world, some argue that cultural differences are irrelevant if everybody learns English, speaks the same language and becomes "Westernised".

A good example of this is the city state of Singapore, which famously evolved from "third world to first" in a generation in the late twentieth century. All Singaporeans learn English as well as a second language based on their cultural heritage. This bi-lingual requirement is one factor, from among many, which has given Singapore an undeniable advantage when conducting business, attracting international businesses and appealing to high-wealth individuals.

However, the rise of emerging / developing economies in Asia and Africa potentially disrupts this assumption that English will remain and continue to remain the "lingua franca" of international business and that cultural differences fade away if everybody adopts liberal Western values, as espoused primarily by the USA.

The rise of China is a good case in point. What role do cultural and linguistic differences play in the trade war between the USA and China? Most observers see it as "great power rivalry" based on intense competition for economic, and now technological supremacy, but others see it as "a clash of civilisations", driven by incompatible cultural - political differences. Ironically, "Communism" is derived from the West not the East, and yet the most powerful "Communist" political parties are in Asia.

In this assessment students must think laterally, but also think "prospectively". If our "global village" is more interconnected with more and more efficient means of communication and travel, then are cultural differences still real barriers or obstacles which impede meaningful interactions in the business world? I am reliably informed that, just like driverless vehicles, automated real-time language translation is less than ten years away and will simply be another "app" we can download on our phone!

Required Activities -

Students should firstly familiarize themselves with the unit content from weeks 1 -5 and consider which parts are relevant to the assignment topic.

Students will need to supplement their knowledge with wide research of the topic and consider referencing useful and relevant case studies and other academic sources, which support their thesis statement and argument.

Students must follow correct in-text citation protocols and end of essay referencing conventions.

Finally, students will need to conclude with a decisive evaluation of the relative importance of cultural differences for the modern day firm (MNC) with a considered and logical argument, based on an objective appraisal of the evidence gathered.

Assignment Structure Requirements and Guidance -

1. Cover Page

2. Executive Summary - This should be a concise summary of the main argument and the conclusions made.

3. Introduction paragraph - A short paragraph which includes the background, scope and the main points raised in the essay in order of importance. There should also be a brief conclusion statement at the end of the Introduction.

4. Main Body of the essay contains clear Topic Headings for each paragraph provided.

5. Appropriate paragraphing must be used - each paragraph should include detailed information, which elaborates on the main points raised in the Introduction. This is where in-text citation is required and reference is made to specific references and other information obtained from research.

6. Page Numbers must be used - this is best practice and ensures the essay is well presented and formatted.

7. Reference the sources used with correct in-text citation conventions. Follow the Harvard method.

8. Reference List at the end must be in the Harvard Style and be mainly academic Journal Articles.

9. The essay must be within the 1,200 word limit.

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