
Do criminal justice system guarantee victims rights

Problem: Although we haven't yet jumped into Victim-Offender Reconciliation Programs (VORPs), they are an integral component of restorative justice philosophy, which is mentioned in this chapter. Many crime victims are seeking fairness, justice, and restitution as defined by them (restorative justice) as opposed to revenge and punishment. Again, although we have not gone deep into this ideology yet, I do want you to now start thinking about this philosophy.

Go to your state's official website and find out funding levels and what services are available to crime victims.

Review: Massachusetts Victims of Violent Crime Compensation

Discuss how learning about victimology helps you to further understand offending behavior.

In your opinion, does the criminal justice system do enough to guarantee victims' rights, and what other steps can be taken to lessen the harm suffered by victims in the aftermath of being victimized?

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