
Do children have constitutional rights


Question 1. The juvenile justice system was established to deal with various issues that are unique only to a child.  The courts can address the needs of children via a "parens patriae" role that is inclusive to the judges position. There are various terms that are associated with the juvenile justice system:  What is a "transfer or waiver"that can be used to address juvenile offenders?  What are "status" offenses and how do these type offenses differ from more serious offenses?" What are "detention" hearings and when and why would they be used by the court?  What is the purpose of an "intake" decision?  In your opinion, what do you personally see the future holding concerning the juvenile problems and the crimes children commit?

Question 2. Children have constitutional rights. Write on "two Supreme Court decisions" (and what/how did the court rule) that affected the rights of children accused of crimes in the two cases selected?  Be thorough in discussion the court's rulings and the facts and issues of each of the two decisions selected.   Do you believe that children should be processed  through the court system in the same manner as adults (with complete due process afforded) or do you believe the court should strictly adhere to the "parens patriae" philosophy, whereby the court acts in the best interest of the child?  Explain the  position you took regarding parens patriae?

Question 3. There are several "alternative positions" the court can take in dealing with juvenile offenders. What are some of the "interventions" that the court can take in setting its punishment rather than incarcerations? Comment on the objectives of each of the interventions you selected and what you believe would be in the best interest of the child.

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