
Do appeals to emotion play a prominent role

Argument Analysis Paper Argument Analysis Paper

Review the following two essays on drug policy

Gore Vidal, "Drugs" (originally published in the New York Times, 1970)

A. M. Rosenthal, "The Case for Slavery" (originally pub. in New York Times, 1989)

Note that each author uses his essay to make an argument about drug policy in the US. Choose one of these two arguments-either the one advanced by Vidal or the one advanced by Rosenthal--and compose an essay in which you discuss the argument, analyzing and critiquing both its content and its form.

Note: You're not being asked to make an argument of your own here. Your assignment is to analyze an argument put forth by one of these two authors.

In order to do this, you must pay close attention to the "what" and the "how" dimensions of the argument you have chosen. "What" in this sense means the content of the argument you have chosen-what the author claims, what his essay is about. "How" means the moves, strategies and techniques of persuasion deployed in the argument-how it works, how it is constructed, how it functions rhetorically.

In your paper, you must do the following four things:

1. Briefly summarize the argument. (Put the "what" in a nutshell.)

2. Describe the manner in which the argument is put forth. (Trace out the "how.")

3. Analyze the argument. (Examine the reasoning and rhetoric closely.)

4. Evaluate the argument. (Point out its strongest and weakest feature; suggest a next step.)

For further suggestions on how you might approach the tasks listed above, see Additional Resources, below.

(Also, bear in mind that the assignment is due at the end of week 9; in the next module--module 8--we will cover more topics, such as rhetoric and persuasion, which are pertinent to this assignment.)

You must refrain from using outside sources for this paper. However, you should feel free to draw on sources we have read for class. If you're writing about Vidal, you might get a useful insight or piece of information from Rosenthal, or vice versa. In addition, there is background material provided by the readings for our course which have addressed the overall topic of argumentation and persuasion.

Wherever you draw on a source, you must cite the source, using MLA style.

This paper should be double-spaced, with 1" margins all around. It should be around 4-5 pages (or about 1,000 to 1,250) words long.

Submit your paper in the Assignments area of the course website.

Make sure that your last name is the file name, e..g., JonesArgumentAnalysis.doc

This paper is due at the end of the day 08/15a.

Argument Analysis Paper

Further Suggestions:

Regarding items 2-4 in the Argument Analysis Paper assignment (see above), you might want to consider some of the following questions. However, keep in mind that these are suggestions. You are not required to address all such questions listed below. (In fact, if you tried to do that, your paper would be much too long.) The questions listed below are simply meant to help you focus your thinking. Look for a question or questions that seem most appropriate for your particular analysis and make that a point of emphasis.

2. Describe the manner in which the argument is put forth. (Trace out the "how".)

What types of evidence are emphasized-inductive, deductive, anecdotal, analogical?

Do appeals to emotion play a prominent role?

What sort of audience does the uthor seem to have in mind?

What seems to have necessitated the argument's presentation?

3. Analyze the argument. (Examine the reasoning and rhetoric closely.)

If there are deductions involved, how do they work?

If there is inductive reasoning involved, is it in tune with proper procedures?

(I.e., How solid are any probabilities? What of any samples or experimental procedures? What of empirically derived information or witness testimony?)

Are there underlying assumptions involved? If so, what are they and how do the stand up to scrutiny?

Are fallacies or propaganda techniques being used?

4. Evaluate the argument. (Explain strongest and weakest features; suggest a next step.)

Do any perceptual filters significantly affect the author's thinking?

What is the argument's strongest feature?

What is the argument's weakest feature?

What is one further thing that might be done to improve the argument or help resolve a troubling issue raised in the argument?

Background on the Authors

I'll conclude with a little background on the two essays: Both appeared in the New York Times, though Vidal published his piece in 1970 while Rosenthal published his in 1989. Gore Vidal (b. 1925) has had a long and celebrated career as a novelist, essayist and critic of American society. He is noted for his outspoken opinions, dry humor and intimate knowledge of American political history. A. M. Rosenthal (b. 1922) worked as a reporter for decades, primarily for the New York Times. He is the recipient of numerous journalism awards, including the Pulitzer Prize

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