Learning Objective, you will learn to represent an actual three dimensional surface, part of the earth on a two dimensional piece of paper, a map.You will build your own topographic contour map.
There are three pages of introduction to the fourth page of surface elevation points as jpeg's in the Table of Contents for this Module. If these pages do not fit your screen, click on the screen and it will reformat to fit. Read these 3-pages and then try to contour the map. Draw lines of equal elevation between the given data. These are like bath tub rings. Make your contour lines even numbers like 10-feet intervals or 50-feet intervals. Contour the data points and build your own map. remember the dashed lines on the fourth sheet represent stream channels. Submit, in a few sentences, a description of this land surface plus scan and send me the map you built..
Do an Internet search for additional instructions if your having difficulty. Try 'How to Make a Topographic Map' in Goggle.