
Do a standard contractual clause stating hamilton county

Assignment task: You have been hired by P & G to create a policies and procedures manual. You may research the company further,  but be advised that P & G is an international company that is headquartered in Cincinnati, OH, and incorporated in Ohio.

They would like you to do the following:

1. Do a standard contractual clause stating Hamilton County, Ohio is the preferred state jurisdiction for the company with justification as to why they may choose Hamilton County, Ohio. Bonus: What is the name of the trial court in Hamilton County, Ohio that has jurisdiction of trial matters involving P & G?

2. If a Federal case were filed against P & G based on their headquarter's location what is the name of the federal trial court where it would be filed?

3. They would like a standard arbitration clause to include with all product warranties.  Is an arbitration clause enforceable? Why or Why not?

4. Make standard arbitration clause for all warranties.

5. They would like you to create a dress code policy forbidding tattoos representing any political or gang affiliations. Describe any constitutional issues that they should be concerned about.

6. They would like to create a dress code policy forbidding facial hair and requiring all employees to wear slacks. Describe any constitutional issues they should be concerned about.

Respond to P & G in a memo addressing each of these issues. Be sure to use clear headings showing which question/assignment you are addressing. Include citations where appropriate.

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Other Management: Do a standard contractual clause stating hamilton county
Reference No:- TGS03387394

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