
Do a small amount of research and share what you learn with

Respond to Peers: Respond to at least two of your classmates' initial posts. Each response should be at least 75 words in length and should address two or more of the following points:

• Do you agree with your classmates' perspectives? Why, or why not? Be specific.

• Ask a specific question to encourage further discussion on the topic.

• Challenge your classmates' interpretation of literature and/or point of view.

• Do a small amount of research and share what you learn with your peers about the topic discussed in this post.

• Robyn Reaves

75 Word Count Response

A conflict present in A Ten Minute Play is individual verses society. Kali is a lesbian and thinks this conflicts with her beliefs so it would interfere with her relationships with her family. Also when she tells Steve to quiet down about it when he mentions her being a lesbian you could tell she was worried about what others would think of her. Kali is comfortable with her sexuality but wants to be accepted by her family.

Two literary techniques that are present to me is persona and irony, Persona because Kali is a lesbian but presents herself as a straight woman to her family. she didn't want her family to know because it is unacceptable to be a lesbian so then she wouldn't be able to see her nieces.

The conflict in the comedy is different in Macbeth because you feel nervous about the killings and in this you just have hopes Kali tells her family about her sexuality and is accepted.


Clugston, R.W.2014, Journey into literature.

• Brian Hicks

75 Word Count Response

One of the conflicts I can see in the story of "Mistaken Identity" is individual versus individual. In this story, Steve believes he is on a first date with Kali because Kali's brother Raj had set them up to go out not knowing his sister was gay.

A key conflict in the play is, even though Kali is gay, it seems Steve is still very much interested in pursuing some sort of relationship with Kali. When Steve finds out Kali is gay he says "This new information is, well, new, and changes things, I guess." (Cooper, 2004). The fact that he throws in I guess at the end, leads me to believe he still thinks there may be a chance to have a relationship, as if he is not really sure if it does change anything.

This corresponds to Steve's development because as they continue to talk to each other, Steve starts to become more of a friend to Kali and seems to care more about her feelings thank what he is trying to get out of the date. Steve expresses this to Kali "You get to decide what you tell your family and when" (Cooper, 2004). This tells me Steve is showing empathy for Kali and is giving advice by letting her know it is here decision


Clugston, R. W. (2014). Journey Into LIterature.

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