
Do a search for esa1 using both pubmed and ebsco through

Answer the following questions to the best of your ability by using the literature searching tools we talked about in class. The answers are due to Blackboard by the beginning of next class.

1. Kevin Struhl is a professor at Harvard University who generally works on transcription. His lab published a paper in 2009 on the use of metformin to kill cancer stem cells.

A. What is the reference for that paper?

B. What is the impact factor of the journal in which that paper was published?

C. How many articles have cited this paper?

D. What were the first two articles to cite this paper after it was published?

E. What kind of articles are these?

2. Find the reference for the most recent review paper written in English on the use of metformin as an anti-cancer drug. Include screen shots with the searches you did with your answers, so I know what kind of literature search you did.

A. What is its reference?

B. What is the impact factor of the journal in which it's published?

3. For the following Biomedical Sciences faculty, pick one and describe what kind of research he or she did, using only his/her publications. Cite the publications you used in your answer. Include screen shots with the searches you did with your answers, so I know what kind of literature search you did.

A. Anthony Capetandes
B. Visalam Chandrasekaran
C. Seetha Tamma
D. Ernestine M. Vellozzi

4. How does the role of Tip60 differ in breast and prostate cancer? Cite at least two scientific articles that you used at the end of your answer.

5. How many papers were published on HER2 positive breast cancer in 2012? Include a screen shot, so I know how you figured this out.

6. List three proteins that are phosphorylated by the Ack1 kinase and give the references in which you found them.

Research Methods Problem set 1 - Literature searching

7. Do a search for ESA1 using both PubMed and Ebsco through the library website. How many full text articles do you have access to from each search?

9. How does caffeine intake affect the risk for Parkinson's disease? Cite at least two papers you used to generate your answer.

10. The 2012 Nobel Prize in Medicine was given to Shinya Yamanaka for creating induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells.

A. Find the paper in which the discovery was first published in Cell in 2006 and give its citation here.

B. How many other papers have cited Yamanaka's breakthrough work?

C. How many times has Yamanaka cited his own paper?

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Dissertation: Do a search for esa1 using both pubmed and ebsco through
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