Business Assignment -
General tasks to do:
In this module the six different types (categories) of commercial companies are thoroughly discussed. Illustrate your understanding and knowledge by means of conducting a study related to the different commercial companies. Specifically, do a research about two commercial companies (one in Oman and one in a developing country) of the same category and compare them as regards to the way on how they are formed or established and managed. In the making of your research strictly follow the guidelines and apply the correct format to avoid deduction of marks.
Specific tasks to do:
1. Write on top of the first page the title of your research output. The title must include the names of the two companies.
2. The content or responses in your assignment must be presented according to the following heading:
Introduction: Mention substantial information about the two commercial companies you have chosen. Indicate clearly the company's category and location. Reflect on the coursework's objective(s).
Discussion: In this section, based in your research, explain how each company is formed (established) and managed. Disclose some clear evidence whether the companies have complied completely the mandate of Commercials Laws in Oman and/or the place where it is located. Identify and discuss the similarities and differences of their ways in solving some disputes, problems and challenges in a table format.
Conclusion: Without repetition of the words used in the text of your introduction and discussion section offer a brief but clear summary of the facts that you have provided with convincing interpretations.
References: Apply correctly the Harvard referencing format in the full text of the paper and in the reference list section. The minimum number of reliable sources on the gathered facts is 5.