
Do a porters five forces analysis of the us white goods


Read the Following Case Study: "Haier's North America Expansion"


All questions are to be attempted. Support your answers using scholarly and reliable non-scholarly sources!

1. What were the factors behind Haier's decision to start production in the U.S. in 1999? Use the PESTEL (political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal) framework to analyze the external environment pertinent to Haier's expansion plans in the U.S. in 2016-2017.

2. Do a Porter's Five Forces analysis of the U.S. white goods industry.

3. Why did Haier buy GE Appliances? What change can GE Appliances' employees expect from the change in ownership/management? Also, discuss the impact of the differences in national and organizational cultures, and how can Haier, the new owner, overcome them?

4. What are the strategic implications of emerging Chinese multinationals such as Haier?

5. How will Haier's success in the US market support its operations and investments in other markets?
General instructions & Format

1. Use UMUC's library as much as possible for research in this assignment. Look for worldwide data, and not North American data; remember; this is a global business course!

2. Only cite scholarly publications and reliable non-scholarly sources such as The Economist, Financial Times, WSJ, NYT, Bloomberg, Reuters, Money, Forbes, and Fortune. Reliable non-scholarly sources may yield articles which are more useful for practitioners. Websites like Wikipedia, answers.com, QuickMBA and NetMBA are unacceptable for graduate level work.

3. Your analysis should be supported by a minimum of three scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles, and a minimum of three reliable non-scholarly sources. You should also use the required readings from this week to support your analysis where appropriate.

4. Your analysis should be written in an academic paper format; not a question and answer format.

5. Please include the following: A half page Introduction, and a half page Lessons Learned & Conclusion at the end of your report. Use section headings to organize your paper. An Executive Summary is not required.

6. All questions are to be attempted. Do not restate the information from the case study; go beyond the included information; analyze and draw your own conclusions!

7. Your report should be approximately 8 pages long, with one inch margins, 12-point font, double-spacing, and should be posted as a Word document. The cover page, references, and appendices, if any, are not part of the page count. All graphics and tables, if any, should be placed in an appendix.

8. Use the APA format for in-text citations and the reference list.

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Business Management: Do a porters five forces analysis of the us white goods
Reference No:- TGS02310112

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